Click on the links below to find timetable information for the following: Bus services: Tennant Creek - Alice Springs, Elliott - Alice Springs, Tennant Creek - Mt Isa and services in the Katherine region. Rail Services: Alice Springs - Tennant Creek - Darwin. Air services: Darwin -Tennant Creek - Alice Springs
Centre Bush Bus services between: Tennant Creek - Alice Springs Daylight Express Elliott - Alice Springs Express Tennant Creek - Alice Springs Route Service
AirNorth air services between: Darwin - Katherine - Tennant Creek - Alice Springs
Greyhound bus services between: Darwin - Tennant Creek - Alice Springs Service numbers GX 880 and GX882
Greyhound bus services between: Tennant Creek - Mt Isa Service number GX884 and GX 484
The Ghan rail services between Adelaide - Tennant Creek and Darwin
Air services between Alice Springs - Canteen Creek - Epenarra - Tennant Creek